1. I have a black toenail. A new one. After the race on Sunday it was really tender and I wondered...but wonder no more, took the polish off and sure enough. Now I have a squirly toenail on both feet, lucky me!
2. It has been cold here the past couple of days. I've been wearing long sleeves, I even turned the furnace on for a few minutes on Tuesday.
3. Bethany and Ryan over at Our Love on the Run are hosting a giveaway for BeeCause Charms. Go over and check it out!
Keep running.
NICE Week of Training Last Week!
7 hours ago
i've been painting my toe nails with dark colors to hide the purple nails. so much for the fun spring colors!
Oh my goodness! Yucky black toe nail! I hope it gets better soon :) Have a wonderful weekend!
Black toenails are AWESOME!!! I did not pop a blood blister on the top of my toe, so it scabbed so I have a black top of my toe. Looks fab and no nailpolish can cover it. UGH!
Wow- a black toenail huh? Will it fall off or just get better (I know, silly, maybe inappropriate, question- just curious :))? Hope it gets better soon :)!
Oh oh. Another battle scar, eh?
I'm envious of your cooler weather. I start to melt when it hits 70.
ouch...sorry about the toe. Hope it gets better soon :-)
Ah no pictures of the toe?! :-)
I always thought my toenails would fall off if I ran a marathon. I was curious what that might look like and feel like. Never happened though. Guess I lucked out.
Aw it's a good thing black polish is in style!
Black toenails are a badge of honor!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Looks like we might be doing St. George "together".
never had a black toenail yet, and do not want one.
good luck. hopefully it heals up soon! :)
Thanks for coming by my blog :)
I have yet to have my first black toenail...but, it is definitely a badge of honor!
I hardly notice black toenails anymore. Sore toes, yes. Blood blisters, yes. Black toenails, not so much.
ahhh black oenails --- the look I love most!! ;) I do as Denise does though!! no one ever knows -- until they step on my toes!!
In all the time I have run I have never had a black toenail. At least not all black. But my toes look pretty horrible at times.
I must be doing something wrong I have yet to be reward with the runners toenail, sigh...=) Consider yourself blessed to have cold weather still, the heat is ramping up in these parts!
Bummer on the toenail! That is one thing I have yet to experience...
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